Thursday, September 9, 2010

All Things Equine

( Mother and Child pen and ink 2010)

All of Central Kentucky is abuzz with the Alltech World Equestrian Games approaching. To commemorate this event, an arts organization that I’m involved with, Stoner Creek Arts, is hosting a wonderful exhibition. It is the Annual Creative Harvest festival which will be held at The Hopewell Museum in Paris, Kentucky. This year the theme is “All Things Equine”. Last year was my first time at Creative Harvest and I was completely blown away with the massive turnout and warm reception for the artists. This year, I have one piece, Mother in Child, in this show. It was such a blessing the day I dropped my drawing off because I got a glimpse at some of the other pieces in the exhibition. I am truly humbled and honored to be in such great company. Central Kentucky really is the place to find the world’s greatest Equine artists. I felt inspired just being in the same room with these talented folks. I hope to have a few photos to post next week of this exciting exhibit. Until then, have a wonderful weekend and please come to Kentucky this fall for all the World Equestrian events!


Zuzana said...

I love horses and I love to draw them.;) I always had, ever since I stated riding as a teenager. I was fascinated by the way their body would move in a run and always preferred painting horses in motion.;) Your lovely drawing is simply exquisite.;)
Have a lovely day dear Rebecca,

Rebecca said...

Thank you, Zuzana! They are beautiful creatures. I never tire of seeing the Thoroughbreds grazing and running inside the split rail fences. They are majestic.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could draw as you do. Hopefully, I'll be able to take up drawing and oil painting when I retire. That is on my bucketlist!
:) The Bach

Victoria said...

Rebecca!!..gorgeous super inspiring..stunning! And how wonderful for you..this all sounds fabulous! I have a great love for horses and so this is truly magnifincent!
Havea sparkling wkd and thanks for sharing your magic and inspiration.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hello Rebecca,
Missed you dear. I have not bloged for awhile, but now I'm back.
I just love your pen and ink drawing.I love horses and this one is so sweet.Your new blog is just fab.I'll redo my side bar later this week.I would not like it if I could not visit you. You have always been so kind and sweet,
You take care Hon,
XXOO Marie Antionette

Rebecca said...

Hi Marie! I've missed you....So glad you came over to my new neck of the woods...Hope all is well with you and yours...:)